3 Quotes & Sayings By Martin Gover

Martin is a working actor and director, who is also the author of two books: A Guide To Acting For Beginners and The Complete Guide To Acting. He has been teaching acting full-time for almost a decade, with most of his classes being in the UK. He's a fully qualified drama teacher, BA Hons (Hons) Acting, and he is also a member of the BECTU union.

Any activity where you let go of fears and doubts and inertia, and move toward a goal you desire brings, if not the goal itself (which may or may not be available to you) but brings you a life full of adventure, dedication, excitement and fulfillment — in other words — satisfaction and happiness. Martin Gover
Attitude is 100% under your control — (yours to choose, use or lose, as they say) Happiness, fulfillment and satisfaction in a life ALWAYS and ONLY come as a consequence of some other activity. That is you don’t just create ‘happy’ or ‘satisfied’ — you have to be doing something with your life that as a byproduct creates these states. That’s it. Told you it was simple. Alright, I admit, writing about how to create a ‘successful life’ is easy — because to create something out of your life is 99.9% Mental Focus and 50% ( as Yogi Berra would say and. 01% for those of you who are paying attention) -knowing how to get the result and doing it. Writing about it is easy; it’s the doing that’s hard. Martin Gover